What is Solution-Oriented Coaching®?
– It is coming from a practical and conceptual model.
– This a proven technique of professional coaching created by Philippe Bigot.
– It is a solution-focused technic which places you at the center of a changing process.
– This coaching process is particularly effective for corporate employees.
– A method determined and limited in time: a major factor to keep moving in the changing process.
– A price set upstream of the protocol: no bad surprise.
As a certified coach, I will help you find your own resources to overcome what is hindering you : knowing you better gets you stronger.
How does it work ?
The systemic approach consists in drawing your attention to the interdependencies with the other individuals and factors that surround you in your everyday life. This with the aim of understanding and breaking the interactional loop that creates the problem.
How long does a professional coaching last?
The duration of a professional coaching is about 6 months. The cabinet offers a follow-up of 6 to 8 sessions of 2 hours, about once a month. Before starting the process there is a free preliminary interview (provided you engage to the full coaching process 1 ). This session determines if your need for change is relevant for coaching or not and to verbalize your objective.
If the coaching is asked by the company, I will check the full acceptation of the person implied in the coaching sessions during the first part of the preliminary interview. In a second time, I will go through the same interview with the manager N+1, respecting the confidentiality clause and to be sure of the company objective as well. In a final time, a common session will be done to decide a common coaching objective.
At the end of this session, I will write a contract mentioning the main objective for the coaching protocol. The person to coach will be the only one to decide if she accepts or not the coaching after a delay of time of 48 hours.
Price of the preliminary interview for a person if no engagement: 30 euros for a 45 minutes session and the drafting of the contract with the objective. Price of the preliminary interview for a company if no engagement: 300 euros for 2h00 and the drafting of the contract with the objective.